Blessed are the Flexible

Blessed Are the Flexible

for they can be bent



How does my attitude affect my cyber and data security!

Anyone who has worked around any computer over the ten years knows that change happens in tech faster than death or taxes. Inside any programmer, hardware developer, or any support person has built into their DNA.

That chromoson cluter is what gives that individual is called Flexiblity. The building blocks of that unique chromoson is patience. This is needed for when things don’t go right. Stepping back examining the situration finding the root cause and then make changes. Hopefully, after not to many test runs the end result has been accomplished.

I cannot think of one project or job that did not require change, or adjustments either at the beginning or some where along the path to completion. And there has been a few needed changes to be made after I thought the job was done. 

I have found the attitude I approach those changes and/or adjustments will reflex upon how quickly and smoothly the job gets finished. In addition, the whole team’s attitude toward change will be seen my the customer. That obervation will affect future work from that customer and his recommendation of your work. 

Beta Testers Wanted

Soon To Be Launched Website

I have a soon to be launched website. It has been a long time in coming. Budget is very thin.

I am looking for is someone preferable one to kick the tires.

  • Find broken links
  • Find mis-spellings
  • Check general usablity desktop, tablet and mobile
  • Fill out questionaire as to you findings.
  • I would like you to live in or around Boise Idaho and the Treasure Valley, but not required.

In exchange you will get

  • Experience at beta testing and my recomendation for other beta test gigs.
  • Posted on here as beta tester (braging rights)
  • Free access to the websites launch party.
  • Special discounts on computer and website services, software and hardware for 1 year.

The time involved depends upon you. The more details and constructive suggestions does take more time. It will help everyone around.

If you are still intersted email me by clicking on the contact link here

Make sure you put beta in the subject line, so I can get prompt attention.

Internet Crime Complaint Center

Report a Cyber Crime

Cybercriminals are just like bullies, if they can keep you paralyzed fear to the point where you do nothing they have won. Even the idea if you are complaining; nothing will be done. They will win.

Frustration arises when you call the local police statiion to complain about having your hard earned money stolen. Because it was done through an online website you get passed on. Then you call the local District Attoney’s office, They say they could not help you. You reach out to the FBI. You have to travel 200 miles to talk to agents in charge of cyber crime.

I was raised with the movies of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s  where if you were wrong there were good guys like Marshall Dillion and Palidan to help right the wrong.

We do have a place to go to right those who wrong us through the internet. It is the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Use it is there for you and me.


Resolutions fo 2019 Part 3

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is the best advice I have ever gotten. In fact family and friends have to remind me periodically. It is my nature to make things complex.

Yesterday, on the morning news a notable psychologist was asked about the age issue of people making resolutions every year around January 1st. Then by March or April all resolve is gone. The only thing left is feeling of guilt.

I felt real good when I heard him explain the very same thing I have been writing about in these three blog posts. He it all up by saying, “No one will be able to stick to their resolutions until they first deal with the root causes them go only a few days or weeks and give up.”

The third element that keeps me from following through on a New Year’s Resolution is making things complex and very big.

So what is my Nee Year’s Resolution? It is in three parts. I will remind myself through the day.

  1. I do want to have better life.
  2. I will not work myself into the grave. I will get enough sleep and rest.
  3. I will constantly work at keeping my projects simple and not over think them.

What are the root causes that keeps you from following through on your New Year’s?

What are you going to do to overcome your stubbonly block or blocks?

Resolutions for 2019 Part 2

Sleep -

I know for myself, if I don’t get enough sleep my attitude, physical ability, and mental alertness is greatly reduced.

I recently read an article from the New York Times website titled, “New Office Hours Aim for Well Rested, More Productive Workers This article inspired me to think and looking at my own life and how my goals, personal or long range were reduced or did not get accomplished. Bottomline my lack of sleep reduces my energy level throughout the day.

Growing up we were told we needed at least 8 hours of sleep. We were to sleep between 9 pm to 5 am. I submit to you not everybody has an internal clock that makes us want to go to sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 5 am.

For me I start feeling tired about 4 or 5 pm. I wake up around 3 am. Then mid day I need to take a one or two hour nap.

I don’t sleep a full 8 hours at one time period. I sleep in stretches of 3 hours. Around midday, I start to get sleepy to the point my body starts to shut down. I take 2 to 3. Afterwards, I am refreshed and ready to tackle the remainder of the day which takes me to after 9 pm.

Let also consider some other factors the prevent us from accomplishing our goals?

  • Why Change?
  • Do you use the buddy system?

Questions to Think About

  1. What time during the day you start to feel sleepy?
  2. What would be your most productive time during the day?
  3. What times during the day do you get the most rest?


New Year’s Resolution 2019

Why does my New Year's Resolution don't last?

We have entered the time of the year where a good portion of us make resolutions for the coming year. They stem around a fault or weakness we have.  Almost all those resolutions will be set by the wayside within the next 30 days. By April those News Years Resolutions will be moved over to our personal guilt list.

This year I decided to take a different approach. I am looking at the factors which prevents me from accomplishing my News Year resolution. Then take 1, 2, or 3 of them and change them so I can complete a New Year’s Resolution.

Why Change?

Several years ago, I read the book titled, “Start with Why”.  That book gave me insight to what motivates me and why I keep migrating to certain behaviors. Some of those behaviors keep me from accomplishing what I want to accomplish. By answering the question “why?” it help me change attitudes and behavior I want to change.

Over my life time, I observed behaviors of drugs addicts and the very successful business people. They all have a few things in common. One of those behaviors stands out, over and above all the others. AA and other 12-step programs use it as their first step. The wording may not be exactly the same, but the meaning is the same. “We admitted we are powerless on our own – we need help.”

That admissions of needing help is the first step. The degree we want change is proportional to the amount of change we make.

I have met a lot of men and women who have seen an issue, in their lives that needed change. They may verbalize it, they may even start on the path to make a change in their life, but fall short in making that change.

I believe they were trying to go in a direction that does not fulfil their why. They make little progress is something their family, friends or social group says they should do or say.

It is not until a person’s real motivation is discovered and they start in a direction where any real success is made. There are going to be small failures along with successes. Not until we acknowledge who we really are and what motivates us will never have the ability to make those changes that will make us happy.


Thinking Questions

Now close your eyes, putt all social, all economic restrains aside. Take three deep breathes, then open your eyes. In the comment section below answer the questions below.

1. What do you dislike about yourself?

2. What would really make you happy?

3. What is holding your back?