Resolutions fo 2019 Part 3

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is the best advice I have ever gotten. In fact family and friends have to remind me periodically. It is my nature to make things complex.
Yesterday, on the morning news a notable psychologist was asked about the age issue of people making resolutions every year around January 1st. Then by March or April all resolve is gone. The only thing left is feeling of guilt.
I felt real good when I heard him explain the very same thing I have been writing about in these three blog posts. He it all up by saying, “No one will be able to stick to their resolutions until they first deal with the root causes them go only a few days or weeks and give up.”
The third element that keeps me from following through on a New Year’s Resolution is making things complex and very big.
So what is my Nee Year’s Resolution? It is in three parts. I will remind myself through the day.
- I do want to have better life.
- I will not work myself into the grave. I will get enough sleep and rest.
- I will constantly work at keeping my projects simple and not over think them.
What are the root causes that keeps you from following through on your New Year’s?
What are you going to do to overcome your stubbonly block or blocks?