Internet Crime Complaint Center

Report a Cyber Crime
Cybercriminals are just like bullies, if they can keep you paralyzed fear to the point where you do nothing they have won. Even the idea if you are complaining; nothing will be done. They will win.
Frustration arises when you call the local police statiion to complain about having your hard earned money stolen. Because it was done through an online website you get passed on. Then you call the local District Attoney’s office, They say they could not help you. You reach out to the FBI. You have to travel 200 miles to talk to agents in charge of cyber crime.
I was raised with the movies of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s where if you were wrong there were good guys like Marshall Dillion and Palidan to help right the wrong.
We do have a place to go to right those who wrong us through the internet. It is the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Use it is there for you and me.