New Year’s Resolution 2019

Why does my New Year's Resolution don't last?
We have entered the time of the year where a good portion of us make resolutions for the coming year. They stem around a fault or weakness we have. Almost all those resolutions will be set by the wayside within the next 30 days. By April those News Years Resolutions will be moved over to our personal guilt list.
This year I decided to take a different approach. I am looking at the factors which prevents me from accomplishing my News Year resolution. Then take 1, 2, or 3 of them and change them so I can complete a New Year’s Resolution.
Why Change?
Several years ago, I read the book titled, “Start with Why”. That book gave me insight to what motivates me and why I keep migrating to certain behaviors. Some of those behaviors keep me from accomplishing what I want to accomplish. By answering the question “why?” it help me change attitudes and behavior I want to change.
Over my life time, I observed behaviors of drugs addicts and the very successful business people. They all have a few things in common. One of those behaviors stands out, over and above all the others. AA and other 12-step programs use it as their first step. The wording may not be exactly the same, but the meaning is the same. “We admitted we are powerless on our own – we need help.”
That admissions of needing help is the first step. The degree we want change is proportional to the amount of change we make.
I have met a lot of men and women who have seen an issue, in their lives that needed change. They may verbalize it, they may even start on the path to make a change in their life, but fall short in making that change.
I believe they were trying to go in a direction that does not fulfil their why. They make little progress is something their family, friends or social group says they should do or say.
It is not until a person’s real motivation is discovered and they start in a direction where any real success is made. There are going to be small failures along with successes. Not until we acknowledge who we really are and what motivates us will never have the ability to make those changes that will make us happy.
Thinking Questions
Now close your eyes, putt all social, all economic restrains aside. Take three deep breathes, then open your eyes. In the comment section below answer the questions below.
1. What do you dislike about yourself?
2. What would really make you happy?
3. What is holding your back?